The game starts with an introduction video explaining the setting for the game, as well as explaining what happened in the previous game. This game takes place three years after the original The Inner World. Somehow, our hero got frozen and our heroine is in chains.
Basylian Wreck (Peck)
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- Peck the vine.
- Peck the anthill below it.
- Take the De-Petrifying Eye in the ground at the bottom right
- Peck the door at the top left in a branch. A creature will come out.
- Peck the plant above the creature x3. This will spray water on him three times.
One doused root lizard
Three times you doused the root lizard with water. No wonder he's mad at you!
1 guide
- Peck the eye cover on the Basylian in the middle.
- Take both petrifying eyes from the Basylian.
- Use the depetrifying eye with eye socket
- Peck the door next to the statue (Robert, our main character).
- Use the petrifying eyes on both feeding flowers that are empty. This way every flower has an eye.
- Take the de-petrifying eye in whatever flower it's in.
- Use the de-petrifying eye in eye socket
- Peck the button above the eye sockets
Robert is free!
- Switch to Peck (Click , you will see Peck take flight)
- Peck the heavy fruit to his right
- Take the two de-petrifying eyes from the Basylian to the left
- Use the de-petrifying eyes with the empty feeding flower like before, then grab one of the petrifying eyes, then replace it with a de-petrifying eye so you can grab the other one. Otherwise the flowers will keep it away from you by moving it between each other. You should now have two Petrifying Eyes.
- Use the petrifying eyes with eye sockets x2
- Peck the button and the fern will petrify. If it doesn't, release the water from the lower door and try again.
- Switch to Robert
- Take the tusk towards the left between two of the flowers.
- Take the stone fern back on the right.
- Take the heavy fruit.
- Use the stone fern with the crack to the right of where the fruit was, next to the glowing floating squid creature (A fosfos).
- Use the tusk with the crack.
- Use the heavy fruit with the tusk. You'll be taken to the next area.
Town Square (Robert)
- Take the “No Flute Noses” poster all the way to the right. Robert won't take the poster, but will get a thumbtack
- Take the tumble mouse next to the tusk
- Take the tusk all the way to the left next to the overturned tumble mouse
- Switch to Peck
- Peck the tumble mouse above the scissors on the right. Robert will take the tumble mouse.
- Switch to Robert
- Enter Wacky Stuff Store on the left
Wacky Stuff Store (Robert)
- You will get chewing gum and dental floss automatically
- Take the sponge which is a tumblemouse near a blackboard by the door.
- Take the darts at the bottom of the screen in front of the shopkeeper. They're purple with spots.
- Take the darts again
If at first you don't succeed
Failures won't stop you from trying again - good for you! But now try something else please.
2 guides
- Go to the Town Square
Town Square (Robert)
- Switch to Peck
- Enter the cart entrance in the top right.
Shearing Factory (Peck)
- Peck the button in front of Molly in the bottom right.
- Peck the vat on bottom of screen. You'll be told to sit there and not move.
- Switch to Robert
Town Square (Robert)
- Take the cheese wedge embedded in the wall above you.
- Interact with the mine cart to get inside.
- Use the three tumble mice in your inventory with Robert in the cart.
- Switch to Peck
- Peck the pedal next to the mine cart
Shearing Factory (Robert)
- Go to the Roof on the right.
Factory Roof (Robert)
- Switch to Peck
- Take the sock in the bottom left on the wire.
- Switch to Robert
- Take the metal cover
- Use the cheese wedge with the doorway
- Use the tusk with the gears
- Go up on the left to go further up.
- Talk to the Tied Up Guy (Blabbermouth #1)
- Windmill
- Cable car – Robert will get a ticket
- Go down
- Take the tusk
- Take the cheese wedge
- Enter the Shearing Factory then Go to the Town Square at the bottom left door
Town Square (Robert)
- Talk to Humpernickel on the left. (Blabbermouth #2)
- Any topic you want
- Talk to Libretta who is towards the right.(Blabbermouth #3)
- Postcards
- Use the cable car ticket on Libretta. Robert will get a new ticket
- Go to the cable car station on the right.
Cable Car Station (Robert)
- Switch to Peck
- Use the dental floss with the mechanical pulley on the left above the cable car
- Take the nest. Robert will take the nest and the tea strainer within.
- Switch to Robert
- Use the chewing gum with the screws on the top left corner of the gold Conroy head. Robert will recieve screw imprint
- Use the cover with the boom holder
- Interact with the boom gate on the left x2
- Take the bent cover
- Use the bent cover with the boom holder
- Interact with the boom gate on the left x2
- Take the curvy cover
- Go to the Town Square in the bottom right then Enter the Shearing Factory
Shearing Factory (Robert)
- Talk to Molly (Blabbermouth #4)
- Cable car x2
- Cable car tools
- Use screw imprint with Molly. Receive the screwdriver
- Go to the Town Square then Go to the Cable Car Station
Cable Car Station (Robert)
- Use the screwdriver with screws
- Go to the Town Square then Enter the Wacky Stuff Store
Wacky Stuff Store (Robert)
- Use the sock with the tea infuser in your inventory Receive the sock and tea infuser
- Use the thumbtack with the sock and tea infuser. Receive the sock with spiked helmet
- Talk to Wacky Stuff Guy (Blabbermouth #5)
- Any topic you want
- Use the nest with the egg in circlet dialer. Receive the circlet dialer
- Use the circlet dialer with the sock with spiked helmet. Receive the dart costume
- Use the dart costume with Peck. Receive the cup and ball toy
- Go to the Town Square then Enter the Shearing Factory
Shearing Factory (Robert)
- Use the screwdriver with Molly
- Use the cup and ball toy with Molly. Receive the Lever
- Go to the Town Square then Go to the Cable Car Station
Cable Car Station (Robert)
- Switch to Peck
- Use the curvy cover with the gauge holder on the roof at the top right.
- Switch to Robert
- Use the cable car ticket with the ticket stamper next to the cable car.
- Go to the control panel in the cable car.
- Use the lever with the gear shift
- Interact with the lever (shifter) three times to move it to the bottom left with the upside down triangle picture.
- Use the circlet dialer with empty space
- Interact with the dial five times so that it's pointing in the 2:00 position.
- To the right of the dial you just moved are four buttons top to bottom with symbols.
- Interact with the middle two buttons. The triangle and the square will both be lit.
- Interact with the throttle
Who cable cares?
Who cares about the cable car model of some weird shopkeeper? You certainly don't!
2 guides
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Woolington
You completed the first chapter! Thanks to Libretta you managed to escape from the Conroyalists.
1 guide
4. Chapter 22. General hints and tips
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